This video aims to encourage brony musicians (and other artists) to license their original works under a Creative Commons license so that other in the community (and beyond) can use and remix their works legally. Please share this with as many bronies as you can in order to spread the message and bring the creativity of this community out from skirting around copyright law to working within it!
For more information about Creative Commons licenses, please visit:
If you would like to submit a creative commons licensed song for my upcoming new show, click the “Submit a Song” link above!
Media Used
“Creative Commons Licences Explained” by Creative Commons New Zealand (CC-BY)
“Joe Friedburg and Norm Coleman” by Chuckumentary (CC-BY-NC-SA)
“Falling Dollars” by 0611nl (CC-BY)
“No License Logo” by The Wikimedia Commons (CC-BY-SA)
Love is in Bloom (Video Wallpaper) by ~freeman000000 (CC-BY)
“Butta Fly’s Jazz Handz” by KCentric (CC-BY-NC)