Tag Archives: metal


Painters and Novelists – The Prestige

Day three of metal week is here with a track from the 2009 EP, ” A Series Of Catastrophes & Consequences”, by The Prestige. They hail from France and they metal your… pants? That one kind of got away from me. Uh… POCKET DOWNLOAD LINK!


Dark Matter – Pantera Negra

IT’S TIME TO GO FIGHT THE BAD THING THREATENING THE PLANET! Or something like that. This makes me think of every cool fight scene in anime. It’s pretty generic but, that being said, it does hype you up. I wouldn’t listen to this while driving if I were you.

Download Pantera Negra by Dark Matter on Jamendo!


Tyrannical (feat. Mark Hawkins) – Sonorant

“Tyrannical”, the titular track from the EP of the same name, is the result of five years of solo work from its creator, Sonorant. I love the layering in this song. It’s such a good example of how complex heavy metal can get, without getting into the insane multi-guitar shred-fests of other sub-genres.

Get the whole “Tyrannical” EP from Jamendo.com!


Breakthrough – Mindflow

Oh Pop-Metal, I thought I could forget about you, but I was a fool!

This track by Brazilian band MindFlow takes me back to when bands like Static-X and Disturbed were mainstays in my playlists.  Their track “Breakthrough”, released 2009, takes on the age old theme of love lost and the ensuing recovery.

It’s Pop-Metal; did you think it was going to be a happy number?

Find this track and the rest of their EP on Jamendo!


Flock of Birds – Alexandria

I was starting to feel bad due to the underrepresentation of metal on SotC, but then I ran into this song and I KNEW WHAT I MUST DO. Enter Russian melodic metal group Alexandria and their track “Flock of Birds”. I’m totally digging this song. You can grab it on Jamendo.


Balrog Boogie – Diablo Swing Orchestra

Dig this Gypsy/Jazz/Rock/wow-what-a-mix track from Diablo Swing Orchestra. It’s got a real “Cherry Poppin’ Daddies meets ZZ-Top meets Marilyn Manson” kind of vibe to it. You can download  Balrog Boogie, plus the rest of their wonderful album “The Butcher’s Ballroom” from Jamendo.com: https://www.jamendo.com/en/list/a49216/the-butcher-s-ballroom

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Vencedores Y Vencidos (Winners and Losers) – ELENCO

Lets cap off the week with some killer metal by Elenco. This is “Vencedores Y Vencidos (Winners and Losers)” from their 2010 album Ajuste de Cuentas (Reckoning). https://www.jamendo.com/en/list/a60245/ajuste-de-cuentas